Okay, so it's not real snow, but I made ya look!! These were taken from my living room window. It just reminded me of snow. (It's just the petals falling from the apple tree when the breeze kicked up, I don't think you can see it so much in the pictures.)
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
75 degrees and snow.
Okay, so it's not real snow, but I made ya look!! These were taken from my living room window. It just reminded me of snow. (It's just the petals falling from the apple tree when the breeze kicked up, I don't think you can see it so much in the pictures.)
Another new diagnosis for Ed.
Sleep apnea. Not fun. It means that for however long, he will need to sleep with a CPAP machine. He is beginning a 4 night study tonight to see how much he will need to depend on it and what the settings need to be at for him to see improvement. I am hoping it helps tremendously. His energy level is not so good and his job saps whatever is there. I know it will not be comfortable for him to sleep with, but I hope he is able to overcome that discomfort for his own health, mainly. Selfishly, I hope it improves his energy levels enough that we might start doing more on the nicer weekends and to have his health improve so that we will have him around for so many more years to come.
He has done so much towards improving his health in the last few months. I'm sure for him, it helps to have found a doctor who he has a great rapport with and one is very proactive with his patients. I know there is more he should be doing, but I know with time, he will get there. I have every confidence in him.
He has done so much towards improving his health in the last few months. I'm sure for him, it helps to have found a doctor who he has a great rapport with and one is very proactive with his patients. I know there is more he should be doing, but I know with time, he will get there. I have every confidence in him.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Too hot, too fast...and digression.
It was sweltering this weekend. The next couple of days will be even hotter before we get a cold front come through, I'm looking forward to the storms, though. It's far too early in the season for the temperatures we had and I'm hoping it is not the sign of what summer is going to be like. It was a frigid winter and we were stuck inside so often. Teddy does not deal well with the heat, so if summer is going to be brutal, we'll be spending a lot of the time indoors, again. Not to mention the fact that Ed works so much of his day outdoors. Needless to say, he comes home exhausted and hot. I worry about him in the heat.
We didn't do much over the last couple of days. We did go out and get Teddy some summer pj's and some tank tops. I was only going to dress him in the shorts from his pj set for tonight since it is so warm, but apparently I have a very modest boy and he insisted on the shirt as well. :)
I feel as though a lot of my energy has been sapped, not only from the heat, but from a bit of a funk. It will work itself out as it always does. I saved a few projects that could have been done today for tomorrow. It always helps push the blues away when I am busy. Before I know it, the clouds have passed and I'm feeling better. I will also have the little girl I babysit all day as opposed to just having her until 2--should be an interesting day, to say the least. Whenever "A" is here, there are few quiet moments. She has many issues I am trying to help her through, however, I am only one person. I know details I shouldn't know, not from "A", but from her aunt. I try to pry details from "A"'s mother, but she is not honest with me and so my opinions and possibly any help I can be is kept to myself. Her issues are not terribly huge (life threatening or abuse), just a lot of little ones that add up to one unhappy little girl. I do my best to be patient and understanding with her, but there are days those are stretched to the limit.
Tomorrow I begin down the road (again) to a healthier me. I have been on the longest sugar binge I have ever remembered and it's high time it stops. I wander off the road far too often. Wish me luck...
We didn't do much over the last couple of days. We did go out and get Teddy some summer pj's and some tank tops. I was only going to dress him in the shorts from his pj set for tonight since it is so warm, but apparently I have a very modest boy and he insisted on the shirt as well. :)
I feel as though a lot of my energy has been sapped, not only from the heat, but from a bit of a funk. It will work itself out as it always does. I saved a few projects that could have been done today for tomorrow. It always helps push the blues away when I am busy. Before I know it, the clouds have passed and I'm feeling better. I will also have the little girl I babysit all day as opposed to just having her until 2--should be an interesting day, to say the least. Whenever "A" is here, there are few quiet moments. She has many issues I am trying to help her through, however, I am only one person. I know details I shouldn't know, not from "A", but from her aunt. I try to pry details from "A"'s mother, but she is not honest with me and so my opinions and possibly any help I can be is kept to myself. Her issues are not terribly huge (life threatening or abuse), just a lot of little ones that add up to one unhappy little girl. I do my best to be patient and understanding with her, but there are days those are stretched to the limit.
Tomorrow I begin down the road (again) to a healthier me. I have been on the longest sugar binge I have ever remembered and it's high time it stops. I wander off the road far too often. Wish me luck...
Friday, April 24, 2009
Ah, a subject near and dear to my heart. This may be a long entry, so settle in and let me ramble. I have a history of infertility. Ed and I began to try for a child about nine months after we got married. I had always wanted children and figured getting pregnant would be a breeze. After all, there have been no women in my family who had a hard time conceiving, well, that I know of anyway. My mother had "female problems", but had four pregnancies resulting in three children (she had a very early loss), but no one else that I am aware of ever had difficulties. A couple of months after we began TTC (trying to conceive), I began having pains on certain days on my cycle. I went to see my general practitioner and she suspected endometriosis. Endometriosis is the growing of the endometrial lining outside of the uterus. It can wreak havoc everywhere in the body, there really is no safe place once it spreads. So, I was referred to an OB/GYN, but she did not suspect endo since I had no other symptoms, however, I did have an ever growing cyst on my left ovary. Long story, short--I had surgery on December 23, 2002 and I came out of the surgery without my left ovary or tube. It had been infiltrated and destroyed by endo. This was now 10 months into TTC. I was then referred to a RE (reproductive endocrinologist, AKA infertility doctor) because the OB/GYN still saw endo on the right side, but didn't feel comfortable removing it (she probably didn't have much experience with that kind of surgery, only guessing). He was a great doctor and had much confidence that we would be able to conceive on our own. He suggested we continue to try another year on our own before beginning fertility treatments. That was March 2003. In April 2004, I had another surgery to get rid of the endo on my right ovary. I was given time to heal and the advice that we try again on our own for 6 more months. Sigh. November 2004 comes around, no pregnancy. We began fertility treatments. We were given the diagnosis of "unexplained infertility", meaning there was no real reason that we were not conceiving. I started taking Clomid and we were doing intrauterine insemination. We did four medicated cycles without conceiving. We were then gearing up for invitro fertilization before life took a turn and we had to leave the state we were living in and subsequently lost insurance. We moved to our current area in December of 2005 and surprisingly enough, we got pregnant with Teddy in April of 2006, without any kind of intervention other than a blessing from above.
Now, I tell you all of this because it is fresh in my mind. The burning desire for a child. Throughout my journey to have a child, I became a member of a site where I found other women who were taking the same journey I was. It was truly reassuring that I had somewhere I could vent and someone could understand. I was also part of a small group of women who I shared my pregnancy with. They are women who had problems conceiving, women who had suffered several micarriages, women who had older children, and women who were going through pregnancy the first time. I was lucky enough to connect with a few of them on a deep level and we are still in touch today. I like to think of them as my sisters, beside the ones I have through blood and marriage.
Infertility is scarring. I know having Teddy has healed much of that pain for me. I was truly blessed. Unfortunately, I still know women who have not been as blessed. They still travel down that road, never knowing if their empty arms will be filled with a child. Even though I now have a child, I will always be able to remember how I felt, month after month of trying, of waiting, feeling like I failed again and again. No, I do not live in the past, I do not think of it everyday, I do not dwell on it. However, it is a part of my past and I can remember the flippant remarks from people; "Just relax, it'll happen when you least expect it" (okay, so it did happen when we least expected it, but it was because it was the right time, God's time, for us to have Teddy), "Have a glass of wine, it always happen when you get drunk"(yeah, because that's always a responsible way to get pregnant), "Adopt, you'll get pregnant in no time"(adoption was discussed, just not financially feasible for us at the time), "Maybe you aren't meant to have children" (that's a killer by the way), there are so many ways to belittle getting pregnant. Anyone who hasn't been there, doesn't understand and really, can't understand.
I know this has excrutiatingly long. I apologize. I guess I merely wanted to educate anyone out there reading this. Before you know someone's situation, think about your words. Especially when it comes to something as close to the heart as a matter like this. The last thing an infertile woman wants to hear is advice; just be there to hold her hand, give her a shoulder to cry on, and if you've never been in her shoes, a closed mouth.
Now, I tell you all of this because it is fresh in my mind. The burning desire for a child. Throughout my journey to have a child, I became a member of a site where I found other women who were taking the same journey I was. It was truly reassuring that I had somewhere I could vent and someone could understand. I was also part of a small group of women who I shared my pregnancy with. They are women who had problems conceiving, women who had suffered several micarriages, women who had older children, and women who were going through pregnancy the first time. I was lucky enough to connect with a few of them on a deep level and we are still in touch today. I like to think of them as my sisters, beside the ones I have through blood and marriage.
Infertility is scarring. I know having Teddy has healed much of that pain for me. I was truly blessed. Unfortunately, I still know women who have not been as blessed. They still travel down that road, never knowing if their empty arms will be filled with a child. Even though I now have a child, I will always be able to remember how I felt, month after month of trying, of waiting, feeling like I failed again and again. No, I do not live in the past, I do not think of it everyday, I do not dwell on it. However, it is a part of my past and I can remember the flippant remarks from people; "Just relax, it'll happen when you least expect it" (okay, so it did happen when we least expected it, but it was because it was the right time, God's time, for us to have Teddy), "Have a glass of wine, it always happen when you get drunk"(yeah, because that's always a responsible way to get pregnant), "Adopt, you'll get pregnant in no time"(adoption was discussed, just not financially feasible for us at the time), "Maybe you aren't meant to have children" (that's a killer by the way), there are so many ways to belittle getting pregnant. Anyone who hasn't been there, doesn't understand and really, can't understand.
I know this has excrutiatingly long. I apologize. I guess I merely wanted to educate anyone out there reading this. Before you know someone's situation, think about your words. Especially when it comes to something as close to the heart as a matter like this. The last thing an infertile woman wants to hear is advice; just be there to hold her hand, give her a shoulder to cry on, and if you've never been in her shoes, a closed mouth.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Where to go from here?
I'm really trying to decide on what direction I will take my blog. Do I make it all about me? How much of my life will I share? Do I want to include politics? Religion? Opinions? How candid do I want to get? I can get fairly opinionated, as I have learned, as I get older. However, I do not wish to offend with my thoughts and opinions. I really am a live and let live kinda gal. I can't say I never judge anyone, but it is usually saved for a pretty severe infraction upon another person or upon society in general. That said, my judgments really mean nothing when you get down to the nitty gritty.
So, I think this space will be used for a variety of thoughts, ideas, opinions, and facts. If I offend, I am truly sorry. Please remember, I am only one person and I, obviously, cannot speak for anyone else but me.
So, I think this space will be used for a variety of thoughts, ideas, opinions, and facts. If I offend, I am truly sorry. Please remember, I am only one person and I, obviously, cannot speak for anyone else but me.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
I'll begin first with the explanation of the name 'Teadiez'.
If you've heard this story a gazillion times in the past, my apologies.
Have you ever seen WKRP in Cincinnati? This is the origin of the nickname Ed gave me when we first started our relationship. There was an episode that featured a Russian who traveled to America and while he was here, he decided to defect. He fell in love with the character Bailey. At the end of the episode, the two of them were dancing to Elton John's 'Tiny Dancer' and he said to Bailey "Hold me closer, tiny dancer." Well, for whatever reason, Ed picked up the line and would say it (still does from time to time) in his silly russian accent. That was raped (pardon the term) into the spelling Teadiez with the 'z' silent to be pronounced T-D (tiny dancer). Why he chose me for the endearment, I'll never know as I am anything but tiny and I am certainly not known for my dancing. However, the name has stuck and I usually shorten it to simply Tea.
It is hard to believe most days that that was 15 years ago, yet, here we are.
Have you ever seen WKRP in Cincinnati? This is the origin of the nickname Ed gave me when we first started our relationship. There was an episode that featured a Russian who traveled to America and while he was here, he decided to defect. He fell in love with the character Bailey. At the end of the episode, the two of them were dancing to Elton John's 'Tiny Dancer' and he said to Bailey "Hold me closer, tiny dancer." Well, for whatever reason, Ed picked up the line and would say it (still does from time to time) in his silly russian accent. That was raped (pardon the term) into the spelling Teadiez with the 'z' silent to be pronounced T-D (tiny dancer). Why he chose me for the endearment, I'll never know as I am anything but tiny and I am certainly not known for my dancing. However, the name has stuck and I usually shorten it to simply Tea.
It is hard to believe most days that that was 15 years ago, yet, here we are.
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