Many years ago, I got into the couponing game and it really was a game. How many items in one shopping trip could I get free or close to it? I did good with stockpiling soap, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, and toothbrushes. I didn't do as well with the food items, but I did fair, I just didn't stockpile with food. Then, I started noticing I wasn't clipping as much as usual and I ended the subscription I belonged to for trading. The game faded away and we started buying more store brands. I always had my eyes out for decent "Q's", but I didn't have a nice thick organizer I once did. Fast forward to about a month or so ago, I got the itch again to try my hand at it, I found a wonderful site (, for reason it's not letting me put in the hyperlink) and joined. I felt the hook set once again and I'm obsessed!! On this website, they have lots of different forums for the members to post their good deals, people trade coupons for other coupons or stamps, proofs of purchase, rebate forms, etc. They even have a 'Live Auction' board where people present what they have (it can be actual items or large lots of coupons). I happened in that particular board one day and found a woman auctioning off a lot of 500 coupons and then would add to it as the bidding got higher. I ended up winning her lot of 600 (she added another 100 coupons at the $5 mark). Now, it did cost me $11 with shipping, but I did one heck of a shopping trip with what she sent me. I posted a wishlist of brands I use (not that I'm particularly brand loyal, but if I find brands that I like and can get them at a price I like I'll buy it) and she sent me coupons from my wishlist. This is a picture of some of the things I got with the coupons she sent.

This trip, without my store card and coupons, would have cost me $75 and some change. After my coupons and store card it came to...drum roll please...$19.38!! The mustard was free (on sale for 2/$3 and I had $.75 coupons, doubled--FREE!). The mayo came to $1.30 with my coupons, the sour cream $.50, the cheese $1. The cookies I had a free print out from the store, the 1/2 and 1/2 was full price as was the bread (although it was on sale). After all was said and done, if you want to average what it cost me, less that a buck for each item!! (23 items for $19.38) Not too shabby if I say so myself.
If anyone needs any mustard, just let me know, I have some!!! LOL