Monday, June 22, 2009

Teddy can be such a dude.

Children has always fascinated me in so many ways. I think the biggest aspect that I love to watch is they way they act like little men or women in their mannerisms. Teddy has so many little man quirks, I just love to sit back and watch him sometimes. Here are just a few poses I've been able to get.

This one is my favorite (haha):

The newest thing he's picked up is recognizing logos on cars. He surprised me one day when he approached me with one of his Matchbox trucks and says "Cheby" I didn't understand at first, but when I looked, there was the Chevrolet emblem on the grill of the truck (Grandpop Booth would be proud!). He then came to me with a red car and says "Honda" and sure enough, there was the Honda emblem. Yesterday during our weekly trip to the produce market, he pointed to a car and said "Nissan". I'm telling you, this kid stops me in my tracks sometimes.

1 comment:

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

I totally cracked up! Love the photos!!