Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Another new diagnosis for Ed.

Sleep apnea. Not fun. It means that for however long, he will need to sleep with a CPAP machine. He is beginning a 4 night study tonight to see how much he will need to depend on it and what the settings need to be at for him to see improvement. I am hoping it helps tremendously. His energy level is not so good and his job saps whatever is there. I know it will not be comfortable for him to sleep with, but I hope he is able to overcome that discomfort for his own health, mainly. Selfishly, I hope it improves his energy levels enough that we might start doing more on the nicer weekends and to have his health improve so that we will have him around for so many more years to come.

He has done so much towards improving his health in the last few months. I'm sure for him, it helps to have found a doctor who he has a great rapport with and one is very proactive with his patients. I know there is more he should be doing, but I know with time, he will get there. I have every confidence in him.

1 comment:

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

Yay, Ed! Keep up the good work! T - Nancy Helen fell yesterday and bruised her ribs - that lovely shade of blackish purple that goes so well with everything. She's okay, just keeping you guys in the loop.