Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Where to go from here?

I'm really trying to decide on what direction I will take my blog. Do I make it all about me? How much of my life will I share? Do I want to include politics? Religion? Opinions? How candid do I want to get? I can get fairly opinionated, as I have learned, as I get older. However, I do not wish to offend with my thoughts and opinions. I really am a live and let live kinda gal. I can't say I never judge anyone, but it is usually saved for a pretty severe infraction upon another person or upon society in general. That said, my judgments really mean nothing when you get down to the nitty gritty.

So, I think this space will be used for a variety of thoughts, ideas, opinions, and facts. If I offend, I am truly sorry. Please remember, I am only one person and I, obviously, cannot speak for anyone else but me.

1 comment:

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

Just be you, Tea. Remember, you're writing for you, your family and your friends. Being you won't offend us because we can always beat you up! :) (Other readers are a bonus, btw)