Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Tub fun.

Teddy has decided to get brave in the tub, laying back in the water and actually putting his face down. He hasn't gotten brave enough to totally submerse himself, but that's fine for now. Someday he will. I think he gets a kick out of the accoustics when he lays down and his ears are under the water. I just had to get a couple of "clean" (no pun intended) shots of him in the tub (and yes, that is a bruise on his cheek, Mom hit him with the door coming in with a full basket of laundry, the same cheek he whacked on the floor a couple weeks back...poor kid!).

1 comment:

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

Okay, here's a challenge for you, SIL - one of you shoot photos of him while the other (out of frame) tickles him. I'd love to see a photo of him laughing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!