Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day.

This used to be the day I would dread with every fiber of my being. I used to hate being a woman because I felt like I failed at it miserably. After all, as a woman, I was created to be able to bear children. A part of me felt like a failure as a wife as well because I had not given my husband a child. However, that has changed and I have been unbelievably blessed. I look at my beautiful, handsome, incredibly intelligent son (yes, I am partial) and I cannot deny there is a God, who heard my many prayers and answered them. I know He hears countless others' prayers for what I have been given and I hope He answers each and every one of them in the same manner He did me. I pray for every Mother without a child, for peace that your time will come and if it doesn't, for whatever reason that may be, that you are granted comfort. For every Mother that has lost a child, without having one placed in your arms, I pray you will find refuge from your pain. For every Mother who has a child or children, may you know and understand, they should not be taken for granted. Love them, support them, teach them, hold them tightly every moment you get.

There is a big part of me that is now grateful for my infertility. I am able to appreciate Teddy that much more. I know this day is not all about me, for without him, I wouldn't have anything to celebrate today. I am a Mama!!!

1 comment:

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

That could be called "A Mothers' Prayer". Beautifully written!