Monday, May 25, 2009

We went to the farm!

Over the river, around the corner and just up the road a bit is the Howell Living History Farm. It's run by Mercer county in Jersey. ( It's a real old-time working farm that has only one powered piece of equipment-a tractor with a wagon attached for the Halloween hayrides, everything else is horse/oxen powered. It's a good, free, fun thing to do on a nice afternoon. They do demonstrations like haying, honey collecting, field planting, blacksmithing, etc. We have been a few times, but not since last fall. I took a friend and her two children over on Saturday and we had a great time! We saw pigs...

And sheep...

And a bull...

And oxen and, of course...

Farmer Teddy!

Here he is practicing his shepherding techniques.

This is how he tests the strength of a bench.

And he tried calling the cows home.

They were doing free horsedrawn hayrides, so we hopped on a wagon to explore the frontier. We 'bocked' at the chickens and got chased by a couple of rabid geese. We saw the pregnant cow, who should have her baby in the next month so we'll go back to see the calf. We pumped water from the well. But, the most exciting thing for Teddy was seeing that tractor. He has a one track mind with anything mechanical and protested (haha) loudly when it was time to leave. It was also the first time he was not put into the stroller for all that walking, so needless to say, it was a quiet ride home...can't wait to go back!!!

1 comment:

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

That's a great place to go with kids! In that last photo, Teddy looks like such a big boy! Thanks for opening the blog back up.